Saturday, 7 December 2019

Why asbestos encapsulation is an important decision?

asbestos encapsulation

For a very long period, asbestos has been known to increase the strength of products and provide heat insulation. But in recent times, it has proven to be hazardous. The mere presence of asbestos in a home is not disturbing but the danger comes in when the asbestos material becomes damaged over time. Damaged asbestos release asbestos fibres and becomes a health hazard. But on the other hand, if the asbestos-containing material has not been damaged then it can well remain in your home without posing any harm.

One such way to prevent your asbestos from getting damaged is asbestos encapsulation where the asbestos is treated with sealants to prevent the release of any asbestos fibres. In this case, the encapsulant creates a membrane that penetrates the asbestos-containing material and then binds itself with the fibres. Whatever you choose to do, remove or encapsulate, some common things which you must consider are listed below.

Long term approach:

If you’re planning to sell your home shortly, then you must reconsider your decision. Spend your money only when you want to stay in that house for a long time, otherwise, it’s a complete loss plus the cost of asbestos removal is higher.

Energy efficiency:

If you’ve asbestos encapsulated already then there must be some reason behind it like energy efficiency, burn protection, etc. Once you abate the asbestos you might reconsider re-insulating them again for the added benefits. Therefore, consider the home structure before making the decision.

1 comment:

  1. In asbestos encapsulation the sealant is used to cover and seal the fibers of asbestos so that they do not harm human health.
